The Prow is a collaborative venture between the Nelson Public, Tasman and Marlborough District Libraries, Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology, and The Nelson Provincial Museum.
The project is led by the Nelson Public Libraries and was established with a grant from the Government’s Digital Strategy Community Partnership Fund and the participating organisations.
Nelson Public Libraries –
Tasman District Libraries -
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology -
Nelson Provincial Museum -
Marlborough District Libraries -
Hilary and John Mitchell are authors of the acclaimed three volume work: Te tau ihu o te waka: a history of Māori of Nelson and Marlborough. Hilary has been a secondary school teacher, Nelson City Councillor, NMIT Councillor and trustee of Tasman Bays Heritage Trust. John (Ngati Tama, Te Atiawa, Taranaki Tuturu, Ngati Toarangatira and Ngati Kinohaku) was tangata whenua of Mohua (Golden Bay). He has lectured in psychology at the University of Canterbury and has represented Maori interests on a number of other national bodies. He was actively engaged with the Te Tau Ihu treaty settlement process. John passed away in 2021.
Karen Stade is a Nelson journalist/writer with 25 years’ experience working in newspapers, radio, journalism training and freelance writing. Since 2003 she has worked as a local history writer and produced three school histories – Nelson Central (2003), Richmond Primary (2006), Tahunanui School (2007-2008), as well as a 50th anniversary history of a community group. Karen also works with the Nelson Provinicial Museum and writes a weekly column, ‘Fifty Years Ago’, for the Nelson Mail. She is currently studying towards a BA (History) through Massey University, focusing on medieval and New Zealand history.
Joy Stephens has lived in Marlborough and Nelson for nearly twenty years and, as a journalist, has written many articles about both regions. She became involved in historical writing as one of the researchers for the development of the new Nelson Provincial Museum facility - TA445 - in 2005, and has since written historical features for local publications. As well as writing for the Prow, she has been involved in marketing the website. She runs her own business - WordPower Communications, Nelson.
The compilation of bibliographies, additional research and editing has been done by library staff (most notably Cathy Vaughan, Susan Price, Nicola Harwood and Louise Gribbon). Dawn Smith of the Nelson Historical Society has edited many of the stories.
Other contributing institutions
Golden Bay Museum
Commercial Street, Takaka, 03 525 6268
Marlborough Museum
Brayshaw Park, Blenheim, 03 578 1712
Motueka Museum
140 High St Motueka, 03-528 7660
Picton Historical Society and Museum
London Quay, Picton,