Literary Nelson – books and newspapers

One of the first bookshops in the country was opened in Nelson - by Charles Elliott, in August 1842. Since then bookshops , and local newspapers, have been an important feature of Nelson business and Nelson life; and one reflected across New Zealand, with the first British immigrants being working class and keen to educate themselves

One of the first bookshops in the country was opened in Nelson - by Charles Elliott, in August 1842. Since then bookshops have been an important feature of Nelson business and Nelson life; and one reflected across New Zealand, with the first British immigrants being working class and keen to educate themselves.1

Mr. Robert Lucas: The Nelson Provincial Museum, Tyree Studio Collection, 39769/3Click image to enlarge

In the early days, bookselling was combined with general retailing; for example Charles Elliott "diversified into soap, candles, coffee, postage stamps, family medicine and even butchery".2  It was also associated with printing - Charles Elliott started the Nelson Examiner and New Zealand Chronicle, as well as selling books.

Books were also sold by auctioneers. In Trafalgar Street, Oswald Curtis Bros. was auctioning books in the early 1850's3 and, later in the same decade, Alexander Aitken was listed as an auctioneer, bookseller and owner of a circulating library.

The number of bookshops in Nelson has decreased in recent times, with closures and mergers.



Edited December 2020

Widow's Fund Life Office and Jackson's Bookshop, The Nelson Provincial Museum, Tyree Collection, T_180381Click image to enlarge

Story by: Compiled by Nicola Harwood

Books Booksellers Newspapers Publishing


  1. Rogers, A. & M. (1993)  Turning the pages. Auckland, N.Z. : Reed for Booksellers New Zealand p. 2
  2. Rogers, p.8
  3. Rogers, p.9
  4. Rogers, p.161


Further Sources



  • Diary of a christian voyager (1991, March 5) Nelson Evening Mail sup.p.4 [Robert Lucas]
  • Kwasitsu, L.(1986) Early libraries in Nelson. New Zealand Libraries 45(1), p.1-6
  • Kwasitsu, L. (1987)  News reporting in the 'Nelson examiner', 1842-1874 Turnbull Library Record 20(1) p.31-43 [Charles Elliott]
  • Kwasitsu, L. (1986) The production of the 'Nelson Examiner' in the context of the early New Zealand press Turnbull Library Record, 19(2), p.123-139
  • Palmer, Rt. Hon Sir G. (2019) The contribution of the Nelson Examiner to New Zealand's constitutional history. Journal of the Nelson and Marlborough Historical Societies  8(5), pp. 49-54
  • White T. (2014, November 15) Paper founder had penchant for spritiualism. Manawatu Standard, p.17 [re.William Charles Nation of the Colonist]
