In 1893 when she signed the petition, Emma Litchfield ( (1853—1927), neé Lodder was forty years old. She was born in New Zealand in 1853, and in 1877 she married Alfred. Together they had six children, the youngest being one year old when Emma signed the petition.
In 1893 when she signed the petition, Emma Litchfield ( (1853—1927), neé Lodder was forty years old. She was born in New Zealand in 1853, and in 1877 she married Alfred.
Together they had six children, the youngest being one year old when Emma
signed the petition.
Emma was active in the local branch of W.C.T.U. holding office as secretary, vice-president and president over the years. Emma became a widow in 1911, at which time her son began to help her with the running of the farm.
In 1918 at age 65, Emma lost two daughters and a son within a week to influenza,
having six year's previously lost her youngest daughter in an accident on Middle
Renwick Road.
After the loss of her son, Mrs Litchfield took over the running of the farm.
Emma Litchfield died in 1927.
Story by: Marlborough Museum and Archives