Maggie and Cora Mills, signatories

Maggie and Cora Evlyn Mills (1854—1939; 1871—1945) Maggie and Cora Mills (1854—1939; 1871—1945). Image supplied by author Maggie Mills (mother) and Cora Evlyn Mills (daughter) signed the petition together. MARLBOROUGH EXPRESS, VOLUME LIII, ISSUE 292, 15 DECEMBER 1919 Mrs.

Maggie and Cora Evlyn Mills (1854—1939; 1871—1945)

Marlborough women Mills

Maggie and Cora Mills (1854—1939; 1871—1945). Image supplied by author

Maggie Mills (mother) and Cora Evlyn Mills (daughter) signed the petition together.

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Mrs. Maggie Mills neé Morrison was born in Scotland in 1854 and came to New Zealand before marrying Charles Houghton Mills (later to become a Member of Parliament) when she was 17 years old. They raised their family in Havelock until Charles' political career took them to Wellington. Maggie would have been 39 when she signed the petition.

Maggie's daughter, Cora was born in Havelock in 1871, making her 22 when she signed the petition with her mother. Cora never married and returned to Blenheim with her mother following the death of her father in 1923. They lived together in Leitrim Street until her death in 1939.

Maggie Mills stayed on at the house until she died in 1945 aged 93 years.

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Family greetings card. Image supplied by author

Story by: Marlborough Museum and Archives

Further Sources
