Mary Mulvey, signatory (1822 - 1922)

In 1893 when she signed the petition Mrs Mary Mulvey was 71 years old and a widow. Her husband, John, the local milkman, had been charged with threatening his wife in 1868. He died in 1885. Mary Mulvey in 1908.

In 1893 when she signed the petition Mrs Mary Mulvey was 71 years old and a widow. Her husband, John, the local milkman, had been charged with threatening his wife in 1868. He died in 1885.

Mary Mulvey 1908
Mary Mulvey in 1908. Photo supplied by the Marlborough Museum

'Among those who recorded votes at Havelock last Thursday was Mrs Mulvey, who will be 90 years of age tomorrow. The old lady's intellect is still remarkably bright, and she takes a keen interest in local and dominion politics'  Pelorus Guardian and Miner's Advocate, Vol.22, issue 96, 12 December 1911

She kept cows on her land until she was 87, at which time she transferred ownership of them to a companion. She was an original settler of Havelock, having been granted a block of land by the crown in 1872. Mrs Mary Mulvey died, aged over 100, in 1922.
“Mrs Mulvey’s big sack apron did everything. She even used to collect wood in it. As you passed her gate, Mrs Mulvey always hailed you in for a cup of tea. One could not refuse! All visitors would be served a thick slice of bread, hand-made butter and cheese – each slice was brought in and handed out from, her handy sack apron!”- Ivy Godsiff. 

Mary Mulvey.jpg 1Photo supplied by the Marlborough Museum

Story by: Marlborough Museum and Archives


  •  Ross, Megan. (2018) The Big Book of Marlborough Women. Blenheim, NZ: Marlborough Museum Archives & Marlborough Heritage Trust

Further Sources


  • Ross, Megan. (2018) The Big Book of Marlborough Women. Blenheim, NZ : Marlborough Museum Archives & Marlborough Heritage Trust


  • Local and General (1909, May 21) Pelorus Guardian and Miners' Advocate, p. 3
  • Personal (1911, December 12) Pelorus Guardian and Miners' Advocate, p.3
