Seaview Cemetery, Stoke, Block 24: Plot 470 The gravestone of Edward and Ann Cresswell Edward, aged 15 a labourer, arrived on the Mary Ann in February 1842 along with Amelia aged 26, the wife of T. Cresswell, and four children.
Seaview Cemetery, Stoke, Block 24: Plot 470
Edward, aged 15 a labourer, arrived on the Mary Ann in February 1842 along with Amelia aged 26, the wife of T. Cresswell, and four children. These children were William aged six, Elizabeth aged four, Mary aged two and Charles three weeks. Thomas Cresswell (probably brother to Edward) arrived on the Whitby in 1841, but died of typhus before they landed in Nelson, so he was buried on Haulashore Island.
Ann Eyles also arrived on the ship Mary Ann in February 1842, along with her parents Daniel and Jane, both aged 44, and children Mary, a servant aged 23, William aged 18, an agricultural labourer, Jane aged 16, a servant, Ann aged 13, John aged 11, Benjamin aged 10, and Ezra, aged two, died on the voyage.
Ann describes life, "a graphic description of a settlers hut in the earliest days," when she arrived in Nelson: “My father went near the Maitai River. Our house was part clay and part Manuka, and some were not so well as that – their houses were 4 poles stuck in the ground, with fern on top for a roof. One sick man was brought in and laid on the mud floor in our house because the rain streamed in upon him in his own. We had no fire place in the house at first, and my mother and I set to work to make one. I brought some flat smooth stones from the river, and we got some clay my father had made for the walls of the house, and so my mother and I built something like an oven, round to the wall, and put what they call a boulli tin in for a flue, and that was our chimney. There were many not so well off as us.”1
There was a plague of rats not long after this which ran through the houses in swarms. Some rat killing-dogs were bought and so the rats abated.
Edward Cresswell married Ann Eyles on 12 September 1846.2
Edward is listed on the 1854, 1857, 1861 Jurors List as having property in Waimea East and Suburban South, and is listed as a labourer. In the 1870 Electoral Roll he is listed with a house on part section 52 in Suburban South.
Ann and Edward had 12 or 13 children.
Other records of the Cresswell family:
2017 (updated 2021)
Story by: Cheryl Carnahan