Wakatu or Whakatu?

The Maori name for Nelson has two alternative spellings. Wakatu or Whakatu. Neither is wrong, and both spellings have traditions and stories behind them

Many Māori names of localities and landscape features are no longer known, and where they have been preserved, the reason for the name may have disappeared in the mists of time. In some cases, both the name and its origins have been preserved; names often commemorate an event or a person, or describe special resources. In rare cases there may be a plethora of traditions to account for the origins of a particular place name, and its alternative spellings; Wakatū a.k.a. Whakatū (Nelson) is one such place.

Nelson Haven [1841] by Charles Heaphy Alexander Turnbull Library. Permission must be sought from ATL for further use of this image.
Click image to enlarge

Four traditions, and a fifth possibility stemming from dialectic differences, offer some insights into the alternative spellings – Wakatū or Whakatū.



A fifth theory attributes the different spelling to dialect. For locals of Taranaki tribal origins (Ngāti Tama, Te Ātiawa) the word is likely to be pronounced “w” as in “water”; for those of Tainui affiliations, pronunciation is closer to “wh” as in “where”, sometimes hardened to a sound like “f”.

Wakatū Incorporation chooses one spelling and/or tradition, while Whakatū Marae adopts another.


Updated April 2020

Story by: Hilary and John Mitchell

Wakatu Whakatu


  • Mitchell, H & J (2004-) Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka: A History of Maori of Nelson and Marlborough: Wellington, N.Z.: Huia Publishers in association with the Wakatu Incorporation.

    Re Potoru: see Vol I, pp61-62
    Re Hikutawatawa/Tuahuriri: see Vol I, pp74-76.
    Re dialects: see Vol II, p207-208.

Further Sources




Unpublished sources

  • Bell, F.D (1849) Draft Report of the Nelson Settlement, p.51  MS papers 0337 [Alexander Turnbull Library]