The Tangata Whenua Tribes of Te Tau Ihu

There are eight tribes in the Top of the South Island, Te Tau Ihu, which tells of a rich and complex past, present and future

There are eight iwi which are tangata whenua in Te Tau Ihu - or Te Tauihu as it is now more commonly known:

Murray J. P. fl 1880-1890s :Taitook Pah Pelorus. [ca 1880] Alexander Turnbull Library (C-126-014). [Permission must be sought of ATL prior to further use of this image]
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Ngāti Kuia descend from three ancestors who disembarked from the Kurahaupō at Te Tai Tapu in north-west Nelson as the waka circumnavigated Aotearoa upon arrival from Hawaiki in the thirteenth or fourteenth century. Kuia migrated eastwards and eventually established settlements in the Pelorus Valley and Sound (Te Hoiere), at Rangitoto ki te Tonga / D'Urville Island and along the eastern coast of Tasman Bay / Te Tai-o-Aorere.

Rangitāne migrated south from Wairarapa in the sixteenth century, led by chiefs who traded land at Wairarapa for waka to travel to the South Island. Through skirmishes and shifting alliances they consolidated their position in the Wairau, Tōtaranui/Queen Charlotte Sound, Awatere and the northern Kaikoura Coast.

A few Ngāti Apa first crossed to the outer Sounds from the Rangitikei district in the late seventeenth century. Further contingents from the Rangitikei, Manawatu and Kapiti districts mounted a sizeable assault on Ngāti Tumatakokiri in western Te Tau Ihu in the late 1700s, eventually ousting Tumatakokiri. After Tumatakokiri’s comprehensive defeat by Apa, Kuia and Ngāi Tahu in about 1810, Apa consolidated their holdings from the Waimea west to Mohua/Golden Bay and Buller, as well as in Tōtaranui/Queen Charlotte Sound.

Kuia, Rangitāne and Apa were dramatically displaced as manawhenua iwi (having authority over the land) when they were defeated by the alliance of Tainui and Taranaki iwi (Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Rarua, Ngāti Tama, Te Ātiawa) between 1828-1832, although they retain their tangata whenua status.

Coates, Isaac (1808-1878): Rauparaha. Chief Capiti. &c. &c. Principal chief of all New Zealand. [1843?] Alexander Turnbull Library (A-286-012)
Click image to enlarge

Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Koata and Ngāti Rarua, had been forced to abandon their lands around Kawhia Harbour in 1821 by their better-armed Tainui cousins, Waikato and Ngāti Maniapoto. After a ten-month stay in north Taranaki with relatives (Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Mutunga and Te Ātiawa), which was spent planting and harvesting crops, hunting, fishing and preserving foods, the Toa chief, Te Rauparaha, led Te Heke Tataramoa down the west coast of the North Island. This was named the Bramble Bush Expedition, because of the difficulties of the journey.

The Kawhia tribes and contingents of Ngāti Tama, Mutunga and Te Ātiawa conquered and occupied the districts of Rangitikei, Manawatu, Horowhenua, Otaki, Kapiti, Porirua and Whanganui-a-Tara/ Wellington. After establishing themselves there, the allies (minus Mutunga who had migrated to the Chathams) turned their attention to the South Island to exact utu on Kurahaupō who had challenged them at Kapiti, and to avenge insults.

Ngāti Koata settled as a result of a tuku (the concession) from Tutepourangi, an ariki (paramount chief) of the Kurahaupō tribes. Between 1828 and 1832, war parties from the other Northern iwi (Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Rarua, Ngāti Tama and Te Ātiawa) conquered Te Tau Ihu  as far south as Kaiapoi and Okarito and settled alongside Ngāti Koata and the defeated Kurahaupō peoples. Iwi subsequently agreed on the division of lands, while those Kurahaupō who survived were enslaved or withdrew to inland hiding places. 

The division of land, which is now acknowledged as being of particular cultural, spiritual, historical and traditional association with each iwi in Te Tau Ihu, was as follows:

The Rohe of the iwi of Kurahaupō waka origins remain as follows:

There has been intermarriage between all eight iwi, and they are bound together by whakapapa, co-residence, and overlapping customary rights. 

The Tainui Taranaki chiefs negotiated with New Zealand Company officials to allow European settlement.

marae map tasman

Map of Tasman, Whakatū Marae. Map credit www.mā and Te Potiki National Trust Ltd

Marae of Te Tau Ihu and Kakati

There are nine meeting houses for the people of Te Tau Ihu/ Top of the South:

2008 (Updated 2021)

Story by: Hilary and John Mitchell

Tribes Maori Tangata Whenua Te Tau Ihu Marae


  1. Allan, R: (1954) Nelson: A History of Early Settlement. Wellington : A H & A W Reed, pp22-25.
  2. Burns, P: (1983) Te Rauparaha - a new perspective, Auckland : Penguin 1983, pp 135-168.
  3. Elvy, J: (1957) Kei Puta Te Wairau: A History of Marlborough in Maori Time, Whitcomb and Tombs, Christchurch : pp71-73, 81.
  4. Minute Book No. 2 of the Nelson Native Land Court (1892) pp257-258, 289-290, 302, 309-310. (held Nelson Public Library)
  5. Mitchell, H & J: (2004) Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka: A History of Maori of Nelson and Marlborough Vol I, The people and the Land Huia Publishers, Wellington, and Wakatu Incorporation, Nelson p64-66, 77-80, 91-95, 100-131, 138-139.
  6. Smith, S P: (1910, reprint 1973) History and Traditions of the Taranaki Coast. Wellington, N.Z. : Polynesian Society: pp340-443, 483, 537-551.
  7. Smith, S.P.(1910) History and traditions of the Maoris of the west coast, North Island of New Zealand, prior to 1840. New Plymouth, N.Z., Printed for the Society by T. Avery.

Further Sources


  • Allan, R: (1954) Nelson: A History of Early Settlement. Wellington : A H & A W Reed, pp22-25.
  • Burns, P: (1983) Te Rauparaha - a new perspective, Auckland : Penguin 1983, pp 135-168.
  • Elvy, J: (1957) Kei Puta Te Wairau: A History of Marlborough in Maori Time, Whitcomb and Tombs, Christchurch : pp71-73, 81.
  • Minute Book No. 2 of the Nelson Native Land Court (1892) pp257-258, 289-290, 302, 309-310. (held Nelson Public Library)
  • Mitchell, H & J: (2004) Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka: A History of Maori of Nelson and Marlborough Vol I, The people and the Land. Wellington: Huia Publishers and Nelson: Wakatu Incorporation,. p64-66, 77-80, 91-95, 100-131, 138-139.
  • Mitchell, H & J (2009) Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka: A History of Maori of Nelson and Marlborough. Volume 3, Nga tupuna = the ancestors. Wellington, N.Z. : Huia Publishers in association with the Wakatū Incorporation
  • Mitchell, H. (2014) Te tau ihu o te Waka : a history of Maori of Nelson and Marlborough. Vol IV, Nga whanau rangatira o Ngati Tama me Te Atiawa : the chiefly families of Ngati Tama and Te Atiawa.  Nelson : Ngati Tama ki Te Waipounamu Trust ; Picton ; Te Atiawa o Te Waka-a-Maui Trust.
  • Smith, S P: (1910, reprint 1973) History and Traditions of the Taranaki Coast. Wellington, N.Z. : Polynesian Society: pp340-443, 483, 537-551.
  • Smith, S.P.(1910) History and traditions of the Maoris of the west coast, North Island of New Zealand, prior to 1840. New Plymouth, N.Z., Printed for the Society by T. Avery.
  • Te Āwhina Marae (2021) Te Āwhina Marae : he rau mahora. [Motueka] : [Te Āwhina Marae]


the tribes


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